
Presidential Candidates and the Cannabis Industry.

Presidential Candidates and the Cannabis Industry.

Presidential Candidates Still in the Race and Their Effect on the Cannabis Industry We have been waging the so-called war on drugs since the 1970s, with something like marijuana being placed on the Schedule 1 controlled substance list alongside LSD and heroin. Fortunately, we are now amid a stark reversal of this war with both …

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House Bill 819 Louisiana – Another Exercise in Pointless Lawmaking?

House Bill 819 Louisiana – Another Exercise in Pointless Lawmaking?

After passing 74-16, House Bill 819, has now been sent to the governor for his signature. The bill expands the list of medical conditions for which doctors can prescribe medical marijuana, but it is still limited to those who have suffered a debilitating injury. The definition of “debilitating” is left up to the physician, and …

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Homemade Medical Cannabis Alternatives

Homemade Medical Cannabis Alternatives

DIY With CBD Making medicinal cannabis products is by no means rocket surgery. Nor does it require a doctor to prescribe anything. There are a variety of things that can be made at home with CBD extracts. Edibles, topicals, tinctures, and capsules can all be made at home. Some can be made with only CBD …

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Senator Schumer for Marijuana Reform

Senator Schumer for Marijuana Reform

It’s About Time Chuck Schumer and the Democratic party are seeking to change marijuana policy. Senator Schumer stated that he is introducing a bill to decriminalize marijuana at the federal level across the country. With around 60% of the country leaning towards the legalization of marijuana and the laws surrounding it, the time has come …

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Louisiana Schools Select Growers For Medical Cannabis

Louisiana Schools Select Growers For Medical Cannabis

Cajun Cannabis! From September 2017 Medical cannabis research and legalization is on the rise along with recreational use around the world. Many states here in America have either legalized medical use or it is a hot topic on many ballots. Society is opening its eyes on a healthy alternative to many medications that are just …

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